Complete 2023 Sales Kit
A. The Bureau reserves the right to conduct client tours during licensed contract times, but will make every effort not to interfere with the licensees' use thereof. The Promoter shall provide free access to the Event area for Bureau management and guests during normal working hours. The Bureau reserves the right to: (i) simultaneously hold other events within the Center; (ii) reassign rooms within the Center among Promoter and other promoters of other events; (iii) conduct client tours of the Center during Event times (provided that the Bureau shall not unreasonably interfere with the Promoter's Event). B. No soliciting is permitted in the Center or on the Center property. C. Offering tips and gratuities to Bureau personnel or the building's agents is strictly prohibited. D. It shall be the Promoter's responsibility to comply with posted Occupant Capacity signs. E. Telephones in the Center (other than pay telephones) are reserved exclusively for building business. The Center phone number is not to be issued for the Promoter's use nor published as an official Event or Convention number. Telephones for the Promoter and its Exhibitors must be ordered through the Bureau. The Promoter must have an Event telephone installed and publicized so that calls may be referred there. F. All personnel are required to have ID badges, which must be worn on outer clothing at all times. Show contractors and decorators are responsible to see that their employees and management are badged or outfitted with identifiable by imprinted clothing from the first day of move-in until move-out is completed. Exhibitors must be furnished with badges by event management prior to being admitted to the Exhibit area. G. Promoter's personnel are not permitted to loiter or to take breaks in public areas. Dock and exhibit hall working personnel are provided designated break areas and restrooms. H. Abusive language, threats, assaults, vandalism, theft, and all other inappropriate actions will result in immediate removal from the premises and prosecution if appropriate. I. The passenger elevator and escalator may not be blocked and are not to be used to transport equipment or freight. J. .When keys are required for access to exhibit halls, keys must be obtained from Bureau management. Any lost keys are subject to $100.00 charge per lost key. K. Motorized vehicles, forklifts , gas carts, etc., may not be operated anywhere in the exhibit halls during event open hours and may not be operated in any carpeted area of the Center at any time . L. No visual or audio recording of any type shall be made in the Center without prior written approval of the Bureau Management. In accordance with ASCAP, any live or mechanically reproduced music requires an ASCAP license. Please contact the Technical Operations Department at (330) 374-8900 for further information. M. The Bureau reserves all rights in connection with any broadcast originating in the Center during the Event unless agreements to the contrary are made in writing prior to the Event. No broadcast of any type shall be made in or from the Center without the prior written approval of the Bureau. N. Floor marking and removal of tape will be provided at prevailing rates by an approved General SeNice Contractor, decorator, or the Bureau unless otherwise approved in writing. 0 . The Promoter is responsible for removal of bulk trash, crates, pallets, packing material, lumber, literature, etc., prior to Event opening and following move-out with the use of Bureau labor. The cost of trash hauls due to Event trash removal shall be the responsibility of the Promoter. All arrangements for crate removal, storage, and return must be made through an approved General Service Contractor, decorator, or the Bureau at prevailing rates. P. Helium balloons, glitter, decals, and/or stickers may not be passed out inside the facility unless prior written approval has been obtained. The Promoter will be assessed a clean-up charge for the cost of any cleanup of these items.
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