October Networking Event




Goodyear Ballroom A Goodyear Ballroom B Goodyear Ballrooms A & B

$1,550.00 $2,050.00 $3,300.00 $2,195.00 $2,195.00 $4,150.00

Exhibit Hall 1 Exhibit Hall 2

Exhibit Halls 1 & 2

Corbin Rotunda

$735.00 $395.00 $325.00 $735.00 $580.00 $580.00 $580.00 $580.00 $580.00 $580.00 $175.00 $335.00 $175.00 $335.00 $175.00 $175.00 $500.00

Maidenburg Concourse Upper Corbin Rotunda Karder Terrace Foundations Room Karl S. Hay Room Bridgestone/Firestone Room B.F. Goodrich Room OMNOVA Solutions Harvey S. Firestone Room

Telxon Room K Company Room Meeting Room 3 Meeting Room 4 Ruhlin Room Mayors Room

View Patio


Included in the space rental: Seating per Goodyear Rooms A & B and Exhibit Halls 1 & 2 Seating and tables for any lower level meeting room(s), 1 set up per rented day Seating and guest tables for any catered breakfast/lunch/dinner

(1) Raised 16” x 8’ x 12’ platform per room (1) Handheld wired microphone per room (1) Standing podium per room (1) Electrical service (120 volts up to 1000 watts) per room (4) Hours of move-in/move-out time per rented day

• Any interior space not addressed shall be rented for an additional $0.35 per square foot per day. • Any exterior space may be rented at an additional $0.20 per square foot per day. • Box Office space is available at $350.00 per day. Above listed space rates are double for recognized holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Easter Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Additional Space Rental : Space rental is based on the amount of space being used and the number of days. The use of space per rented day is fixed between 8:00 AM – 12:00 AM. There is additional space rental if the event takes place before and after the allotted time and is not part of the move-in or move-out. Additional space rental is charged at 10% of the rentable space being used per additional hour or 50% of the daily space rent per additional day.

Convention Rebate: A $3.00 credit will be applied to space rental for each trackable overnight guest room within Summit County on adjacent nights to event dates. Group is responsible to confirm with hotel that a tracking system is established for their group with the number of rooms utilized to be verified by the Center. Not applicable to package pricing.


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