

SPACE RENTAL TIME LINE 14 Days after contract is issued


Signed event contract due with first space deposit (25% of space rental) For tax exempt groups, please provide certificate of exemption with signed contract. 30 Days prior to event Second space deposit due (50% of space rental) 5 Business days prior to first move-in date Third space deposit due (25% of space rental) Ancillary charges due for event REQUIREMENT TIME LINE 45 Days prior to event Certificate of Insurance



Promoter to provide a certificate of insurance naming the Akron/Summit Convention and Visitors Bureau dba John S. Knight Center as additional insured. Insurance must be carried with an acceptable insurance company licensed to do business in Ohio. The limit of liability must not be less than $1 million combined single limit with a $2 million aggregate.

4/6 Weeks prior to event Preshow Meeting

Meeting with promoter, John S. Knight Center staff and Caterer for planning and coverage of all event details .

CATERING TIME LINE 14 Days after catering event order is issued Signed catering contract due with deposit (25% of catering costs) 30 Days prior to event Second catering deposit due (50% of catering costs) 5 Business days prior to event Third catering deposit due (25% of catering costs) 72 Hours prior to event Final count/guarantee of attendees to Catering department


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