
March 4, 2024

Ms. Jeananne Chadsey Ohio Secretary of State 200 Civic Center Drive Columbus, OH 43215 Dear Ms. Chadsey:

Thank you for your consideration of the John S. Knight Center. We extend to you Ohio Secretary of State a most cordial invitation to utilize the John S. Knight Center for your Regional Training. You will be more than satisfied with the quality of our Convention Center. Please note that we currently do not have a hold on the space proposed. Enclosed is a detailed proforma and proposal for this event. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me directly at (330) 374-8911 or toll free at (800) 245-4254. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you and to help in making all of your events at the John S. Knight Center a great success! Sincerely,

Jess Schmidt

Jess Schmidt Sales Manager JS:ms Enclosure

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