Complete 2023 Sales Kit

2. All policies of insurance obtained by the Promoter or its subcontractors as required by this sanction shall require thirty (30) days advance notice to the Bureau and any cancellation, reduction, or modification of policy terms. 3. The Promoter will be responsible for property damage loss to any of its property or any property of any Exhibitor. The Promoter and/or event Exhibitors are responsible for the property damage to their own property or that property which is brought onto the Center premises for their use. D. EXHIBIT FLOOR PLANS AND APPROVAL 1. Preliminary plans should be submitted to the Bureau at least three (3) months prior to event date. The plans will be forwarded to the Akron Fire Department for approval. A final plan must be submitted prior to the move-in and approved by the Akron Fire Department. 2. All floor plans should be drawn to scale (1/16" preferred) and have the following clearly indicated: a. Name of show, show dates, sponsoring organization, and service contractor. b. Name and area in use indicated; i.e., Exhibit Hall #1. c. Floor plan developer and date of initial drawing and revisions. d. All exits must be clearly indicated and labeled. e. Aisle widths must be clearly indicated. 3. A brief description of the event, including products exhibited, equipment utilized, types of demonstrations and activities that will occur, should accompany the floor plan. 4. We suggest that floor plans submitted for approval be drawn to a maximum usage of all. Minimal guidelines for acceptable floor plans are as follows: a. All points of entrance and egress should have a minimum of 15' clear space on all sides. b. All aisles must be a minimum of 8' wide. c. All fire hoses, extinguishers, and standpipe cabinets must not be obstructed and must be clearly marked. d. No visual or physical obstruction to fire exit doors is permissible. e. All food function areas must be clearly marked. f. Clear access must be maintained to all permanent concession stands and to all restrooms. g. Additional requirements, such as wider aisles, may be required for specific events. 5. The final floor plan, if different from the initially approved plan, must be resubmitted to verify that minimal physical changes have occurred. 6. Six (6) additional copies of the floor plan will be required for distribution to the appropriate Bureau departments for use during the event period. 7. The Bureau requires that plans for all two-story exhibits ("Double-Decker") receive approval from the Bureau prior to installation. All such plans must have the stamp of the Registered Structural Engineer and/or Certified Architect and be accompanied by a letter from the Engineer or Architect stating that the exhibit conforms to the current Uniform Business Code. E. MOVE-IN AND MOVE-OUT 1. Move-in and move-out time is computed on the basis of one-half (1/2 = 4 hours) day per event day, up to a maximum of five (5) days, depending upon the complexity and requirements of each event. 2. Move-in and move-out hours are from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Straight time rates apply from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM Midnight; overtime rates apply before 7:00 AM and after 12:00 AM Midnight and all Official Holidays. The Bureau reserves the right to adjust the move-in and move-out hours and schedules as are appropriate to accommodate any concurrent Event within the facility.

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